

  • Expanded Language Access
  • Cost Effective
  • Convenient
  • No Specialized Equipment
  • Web-based, Encrypted & Secure
  • Simple Scheduling

    The logistics of scheduling interpreters and the expense of travel, per diem, and lodging are time consuming and costly. For some languages interpreters are hard to find. Cases can be delayed and defendant no-shows mean restarting the tedious process.


    Through Voyce, the court schedules an interpreter using a simple online calendar tool. Voyce then assigns an appropriately qualified interpreter to the case. Voyce provides experienced interpreters via video or voice that meet the state or federal requirements. The service runs on large screen monitors, desktop computers, laptops, even tablets and smartphones making the interpretation experience more effective, economical, and convenient.


    The courtroom and administrators no longer scramble to find interpreters or have to reschedule cases around interpreter availability, so the court�s calendar flows more smoothly. Voyce expands language access making even languages of lesser diffusion easy to schedule. Voyce video interpretation service can closely approximate an in-person interpreter and quickly becomes a valuable option when courtroom interpretation is needed.

Let's Talk.
